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Good Things: April

I ran across this idea on Kapachino who got the idea from The Literary Wife.  I love the concept of trying to focus on the positives on life.  And I am going to try to do this: record at least one good thing every day for a year.  Here's April's list:

  1. Monday nigh Munchies with Beth, Sarah, and Jared
  2. Nice shopping day with A
  3. Busy day: playdate, shopping with N, dinner with the family
  4. Good visit with Grandma and Grandpa
  5. Yummy Thai Chicken Pizza for dinner
  6. Dinner at Henry's with Sarah
  7. Casino visit with mom
  8. Back home to California
  9. Glad to relax back at home
  10. Bagel sandwiches for breakfast
  11. Got back into reading A Clash of Kings
  12. Omelets at work!
  13. Lunch and games at coworker's house
  14. Relaxing day at home
  15. Good team meeting at work
  16. Decent day at work
  17. Good checkin at work
  18. Lots of work completed
  19. Saw Oblivion with J and some coworkers
  20. Finally bought some maternity clothes
  21. Fun book club discussing P.S. I Love You
  22. Getting back to work
  23. Mom's bday, sent her a lunch box and scarf
  24. Good work team meeting
  25. Yummy lunch at work: sliders
  26. Dinner with coworkers
  27. Errands run to Michael's and the library
  28. Milkshakes at the Creamery and cupcakes at Sprinkles
  29. Finished a huge task at work
  30. Fun card class with lots of gabbing