Thanks on Thursday
I found this wonderful meme idea on Ruby Bastille. I thought it would be a great way to share my life with my readers. So here we go with my Thankful Thursday.
1) Friends and Family -- For all the lovely birthday wishes.
2) Caffeine -- I am attempting to cut way back on my caffeine intake (health reasons), and yet I find I need a bit every couple of days still. I'm still grateful for my chemically induced energy and euphoria. I can't completely shake it yet.
3) California weather -- Every March 5th (my birthday!), no matter what it was like on March 4, was crappy weather-wise. It snowed, sleeted, dropped 40 degrees, or thunderstormed. I've never had awesome weather on my birthday. But this year, everything changed. I live in California. I was treated to sunshine and temps hanging out around 60. It was a little chilly to lounge by the pool, but I did enjoy some reading time on the balcony. So nice!
4) New possibilities -- Some new developments are on the horizon. We have to wait awhile to see how they progress, but I am hopeful for some positive changes in my life. I'll let everyone know when things are certain...
5) Zombie movies -- For my birthday treat, I indulged in a week-long zombie movie marathon. I love my zombie movies and it was nice to watch a ton throughout the week. Can't wait for The Walking Dead marathon we are planning on this weekend. Should be a lot of fun!