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ZaC #6: Resident Evil Extinction

Title: Resident Evil: Extinction

Year Released/Rating: 2007 R

Starring: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Oded Fehr

Directed By: Russell Mulcahy

Written By: Paul W.S. Anderson

Genre: Horror

Star Rating: 4/5 stars

Where I Got It: I own it


  • Alice's new costume was designed by Milla Jovovich's clothing line, Jovovich-Hawk.
  • The film was originally intended to be filmed in the Australian Outback but was changed to Mexico.
  • The accompanying music for the first theatrical trailer is The Crystal Method's "I Know It's You". Milla Jovovich provides the vocals/wailing for the song, which was released three years earlier.
  • Claire Redfield's role in the movie is different than in the games. She leads a convoy of survivors across the dead desert, but in the games, she on a mission to find her lost brother Chris Redfield.
  • Temperatures would often be excess of 130 degrees on the Mexican locations. Various members of the crew frequently would have to be treated for dehydration.
  • A conscious decision was made early on to make this the bloodiest of the Resident Evil films.

Summary: Survivors of the Raccoon City catastrophe travel across the Nevada desert, hoping to make it to Alaska. Alice joins the caravan and their fight against the evil Umbrella Corp.


And this marks the decline of the Resident Evil movies.  I liked this one, but it's definitely not a favorite.  The movie is a bit too much on the gore side and not enough on the scary side.  Although I do like the character of Dr. Isaacs.  He is clearly a fun baddie who definitely gets what's coming to him in the end.  And the bit with the crows is just too silly to be scary.  Undead crows?  How did the crows survive when none of the other wildlife did.  And if they did survive, how did they reproduce to last this long?  I was had a few issues here.  But in the end, I love Alice and will keep watching these movies.

Best Bits: 

  • L.J.: [referring to the lack of cigarettes and marijuana] It really is the end of the world.
  • White Queen: And Alice? Good Luck.
  • Chase: Climb the Eiffel Tower with a high-powered rifle. A few years ago, that would've caused a stir. Well... Let the good times roll!
  • [last lines]  Alice: You won't have to wait that long, boys. Because I'm coming for you. And I'm gonna be bringing a few of my friends.
  • White Queen: I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I am the artificial intelligence which...  Alice: Yeah I know what you are, I knew your sister, she was a homicidal bitch.  White Queen: My sister computer was merely following the most logical path of preservation of human life.  Alice: Yeah kill a few save a lot.