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NMF #16: Immortals

Title: Immortals

Year Released/Rating: 2011 R

Starring: Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, Luke Evans,

Written By: Charley Parlapanides, Vias Parlapanides

Directed By: Tarsem Singh

Genre: Action Fantasy

Star Rating:  4/5 stars

Where I Got It: Netflix


  • Director Tarsem Singh described the film as being "done in Renaissance painting style".
  • Luke Evans plays Zeus - he appeared a year earlier as Zeus' son Apollo in Clash of the Titans.

Summary: Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.

Review: The story and characters aren't anything spectacular, but I must say it is pretty. Singh knows how to make a movie look real and unreal at the same time.  It's just beautiful.  The play of light and shadows set the right tone for the movie.  It was an entertaining two hours spent while job searching.  I guess that's really all I can ask for in a movie: it entertained me.

Best Bits: 

  • Zeus: It's not living as such that's important, Theseus. It's living rightly.
  • Phaedra: To those whom much is given, much is taken away.