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Top Ten Tuesday -- Frustrating Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join.  If you can’t come up with ten, don’t worry about it—post as many as you can!

Instead of specific characters, I'm going to focus on types of characters that frustrate me.

1. The Damsel in Distress -- A woman can be strong and vulnerable, but to be completely helpless is just annoying.  I can't stand these girls.

2. The Misunderstood Bad Boy -- Such a stereotype.  Not every bad boy has a heart of gold underneath all that leather.  I just get a bit annoyed when the heroine constantly tries to reform the bad boy.

3. The Virgin to Sex Addict -- I see this happen in a ton of romance novels.  The heroine goes from the naive virgin to overly adventurous sex addict after one encounter.  This isn't to say that many women have a sexual awakening.  I think it's very healthy.  However, I just don't see this happening in every occasion.

4-6. The "Woe is Me" / "My Life Sucks" / "No One Understands Me" Girl -- Can I just say... get over yourself!

7. The Ugly Duckling to Prom Queen Girl -- It's the silly fairy tale.  It gets old after awhile.

8. The Nonexistent Parents -- Why do I constantly see seemingly nonexistent parents in young adult novels?  Where are they?  Why can't we see healthy parent-teenager relationships?

9. The Unrequited Love Next Door -- Girl to boy or boy to girl, it's just a bit silly.

10. The Athlete with a Sensitive Side -- Why does every jock have to be misunderstood with a hidden "geeky" passion?  Every one we meet.