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Sunday Sunset #1

This is my weekly wrap-up post for life and bookish concerns.  After a few weeks on vacation back in Indiana, I'm back in California and looking forward to getting back to a good routine of blogging.

Listening To: I snapped up a few discounted albums on iTunes right after Christmas.  Lady Antebellum "Own the Night,"  The Killers "Battle Born," and The Avett Brothers "The Carpenter."  Basically those have been on heavy rotation.  Plus, I've been listening to huge iTunes shuffle during traveling (over 5000 songs).

Book finishedChange of Fortune, Wanted, Chicken with Plums, Locke and Key Vol. 1, Locke and Key Vol. 2, Locke and Key Vol. 3, Locke and Key Vol. 4, Game of Thrones, Beauty and the Bitch, Good Omens, Ill Wind, Heat Stroke, and Chill Factor.  It was a good two weeks with 13 books read!

ReadingChill Factor by Rachel Caine

On the Nightstand: The Passage by Justin Cronin, Chicks Dig Time Lords, Persuasion and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson

MakingLists: I've got a few lists ready to be made...

  • Grocery List -- I came home to a house with no food.  So of course, I needed to make a kicking grocery list
  • Winter's Respite TBR -- it's coming soon, January 21-27.
  • Fantasy February TBR -- I joined Fantasy February, committing myself to read all fantasy for a month.  I'm excited!  My only exception is the month's book club selection (it probably won't be fantasy).

Around the house: I came home to a sick J.  So, it's been not so fun around here.  No sleep, germs everywhere...

From the kitchen: We haven't really left the house, so I've had to actually cook dinner the past few days.  I made an awesome pot of chicken and noodles with enough left over to freeze for later.  Yummy!  But nothing else exciting.

Crafting: Nothing, but I did make sure to stop by and snap up items from Stampin' Up's clearance racks.  And I made sure to hit Hobby Lobby while in Indiana.  Next week, I'm back to crafting classes and get togethers.  Looking forward to it!

Watching: While in Indiana, I didn't watch much (lots of sports in the house).  I got in the Doctor Who Christmas special, Mockingbird Lane (I missed it during Halloween), and S1 of American Horror Story (oh no they didn't!).  Since getting back, we've caught up on our currently airing shows, S6 of The West Wing, S1 of Star Trek, and S3 of Lie to Me.

Wondering: How many books will I be able to read this year?  I'm hoping for at least 175 books.

From Nature: It feels great being back to the West Coast with decent temps (50s - low 60s) instead of the frigid Midwest.  I think I'll stay here awhile.

Project: I'm getting my blog and reading plan under control.  I've started using Evernote to organize my monthly blog posts.  And I'm loving it!  Plus, I'm planning the rest of my 2013 Must Reads.