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Vacation Highlights

I came back to California a few days ago, but I thought I would share some of my vacation highlights.  I"ve spent almost three weeks in my hometown hanging out with the boys, family, and friends. Komets hockey game from the nose bleed section!  We had free tickets because the stepfather's chorus group was singing the National Anthem.  The boys' friend Tommy also came.  They seemed to have a ton of fun.

Seeing the Cougar Hunter boys play at the bar.  My my Beth, did you drink all those!  Nope, but the pic was too good to pass up.  Plus, 80s hair band music and crazy hairsprayed hair.  Who could turn that down?

Christmas extravaganza!  Based off of the looks on the boys' faces, I think they got some good presents.  Hanging out with the family for presents time and then seeing Santa Claus!  Finally stockings and Santa gifts on Christmas morning.

When I arrived in Indiana the ground was cold but bare.  A few days later, it looked like this.  Well, I definitely don't love the cold, I do love the snow.  It looks so pretty.

The pretty Christmas tree in the outdoor mall.  I couldn't get a pic of it, but at night it has changing color lights that flash and spiral up the tree.  Very cool effect!

The kids ringing in the New Year with their sparkling juice and Pepsi.

My favorite Christmas presents.  An awesome bag from my mom.  My laptop fits in it perfectly.

Tie-dying party with our friends.  They were being washed when I left, so I'll have to wait to see what they really look like.