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2013 Blog Resolutions

I have very specific goals for 2013.

1. Read over 60,000 pages -- This past year I read over 60,000 pages.  I would like to continue that trend.  Of course, this is a related, but not a direct effect of how many books I read.  I have the ultimate goal of 1,000,000 pages read.  I'm on my way.

2. Get rid of at least one box of books -- There are ten boxes of books in the closet right now.  I really want to get rid of these, but I feel ridiculous about getting rid of books that I haven't read yet.  So I am focusing on reading my own books.

3. Finish any series started -- For this goal, I've actually signed up for a series finishing reading challenge this year.

4. Finish 75% or more of the reading challenges I join -- A reasonable goal I think.

5. Read more on the iPad -- I want to transition from physical books to digital ones.  But first I need to complete goal #2.

6. Be stricter about DNFs -- I have gotten better about be discriminating when it comes to books.  If I don't find myself fully into the book by page 50, I reevaluate whether or not I want to finish.

7. Read the book before seeing the movie -- I have multiple books I want to read before watching the movie.  This is a big goal.

8. Do at least six readathons -- I did 11 last year, I think I can commit to at least 6 for the coming year.  In fact, I have my first one this next week with Bout of Books 6.0.

9. Focus on my perpetual lists -- I am attempting to integrate these into my TBR list for 2013.  We'll see how this goes.

10. Limit by book buying -- I signed up for the Double Dog Dare Challenge for January through April.  I hope to continue my book buying ban, excluding book club choices, through June.  I just have too many books in my possession to buy more.

Revisiting the 2012 resolutions:

  1. Be better at planning for my reading -- I did this fairly well, but there's always room for improvement.
  2. Participate in at least one readathon per quarter -- Done, done, and done!
  3. Be better at chronicling my crafting -- I would like to do more, but I did get better.
  4. Put more family updates -- So-so
  5. Reinstitute Quote Wednesdays -- Done
  6. Branch out into some new music for Music Mondays -- Done
  7. Not commit myself to every meme I find interesting -- I got much better at selecting these
  8. Share more interesting links, blogs posts, articles, etc. -- So-so
  9. Clean out my Goggle Reader -- I got better at this...
  10. Post at least once a week on another blogger's site -- Failed miserably
  11. Get moving on my Day Zero Project -- Movement, but I would have liked more
  12. Possibly include movie reviews? -- Not really