Listening To: After the Not So Silent Night concert last week, I finally downloaded the Imagine Dragons cd. And I absolutely loved it! I'm so disappointed that I missed them performing at the concert. Anyway, the cd has been put into regular rotation.
And of course, I am have been playing the crap out of Christmas music. Although I make sure to do it when J's at work. I only have a few weeks left before it becomes awkward.
Book finished: Active Liberty, Blue, Minigami, The Green Book, The White Pearl, Suite Francaise
Reading: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. I hope to finish it before leaving for Christmas...
On the Nightstand: Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan, The Magician King by Lev Grossman, and January 2013 reads.
MakingLists: My TBR list for 2013. I'm determined to read from my personal hoard instead of the library or buying new books. I am well over 100 books so far...
On the Web: I'm loving all the Best Of lists and Christmas carol posts. The Holidays are such a fun time in the blogging community.
Crafting: I had a fun intimate card class on Thursday. My last for 2012. We made two adorable Christmas cards (I seriously am stealing the abstract tree idea) and two Christmas crafts (stocking stuffer and wine bottle label.
And I finally got around to making some romance/love/Valentine's Day cards to sell in the shop. I really love the "Love You" with the typewriter one...
Watching: Stargate Universe S2, Lie to Me S2, The West Wing S5, and J got me to start Star Trek S1.
Wondering: How am I going to shove all this crap into my suitcase? It's the same question that I had a few weeks ago. I know I'll figure everything out by Tuesday, but I still get nervous right before traveling.
From Nature: The cooler temperatures and grayer skies are pushing me into the winter depression... But it's not that bad. I will still take temperatures in the 50s over the 20s any day. I'm just a bit cold... I really need a new large sweatshirt (something from the men's department).
Shopping Scores: Christmas gift shopping of course. I won't reveal what they are, but I am excited to say that I am almost finished. I just need to grab a gift for my family secret santa and one more thing for the boys. J and I exchanged gifts last night as we won't be seeing each other for the holidays. He loved his two new shirts (Spanish Inquisition and the Winchester Tavern) and the summer sausage pack. He got me a beautiful little dragonfly necklace with blue and purple crystals. I love it! Now I need to go pack it to take with me to Indiana.
Project: Packing... It's a process for me. I usually start about a week in advance collating things to take. Then I have to pull almost all of my clothes from the closet to start making outfits. I finally narrow those down to a manageable number (8 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, two dresses, underwear, socks, couple of sweaters, pjs, and accessories). I'm in the last stretch. I'm down to getting my carry on together. It's a process like every time.