I didn't post last Sunday as I was visiting family back in Indiana. I'm back home and ready to blog a bit more...
Listening To: Instead of music, I've been listening to podcasts these past two weeks. Specifically I've been enjoying the archives of The Ood Cast. All Doctor Who, All the Time! They are the right mix of geek and weird. The podcasts were especially nice during the plane rides when my eyes were too tired to read.
Books finished:
- Othello
- Pericles
- As You Like It
- Cymbeline
- The Martian Chronicles
- Poems of Emily Dickinson
- Mythology
- A Wrinkle in Time
- The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott
- Bridge of Scarlet Leaves
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Reading: ???? Check back with me in 5 minutes
On the Nightstand: Suite Francaise by irene Nemirovsky, Arthurian Romances by Chretien de Troyes, The Firemaster's Mistress by Dickason, The Magician King by Lev Grossman
MakingLists: Grocery list. There was a strange hodge podge of food in the house when I came back, so I had to eventually go to the grocery store. Now we have stuff to actually make food.
Around the house: I came home to a very clean reorganized house thanks to J. Amazing! And thank goodness because we had people over on Wednesday night for a going away party. After a lovely dinner out, we came back to play Ticket to Ride and Apples to Apples. I do love me some board games!
Crafting: Nothing. But I'm definitely ready to get back into it.
Watching: I finally finished Heroes after what seems like years. I kept getting stuck in Season 3, but I've finally moved through. It definitely picked up in the last season, so not all bad. Coming back to California, we caught up on basically a month's worth of tv shows. Next up: to finish Stargate Universe.
From Nature: I seem to have brought the gloom and rain back from Indiana. But at least it's in the 60s.
Shopping Scores: I didn't go out on Black Friday but I did shop from the comfort of my couch. I snapped up a few things for mom, J, and the boys. Plus, I got penny prints from Snapfish and a Groupon for Toys R Us. Very happy with my haul.