Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. If you can’t come up with ten, don’t worry about it—post as many as you can!
I'm cheating this week. The real topic is "2013 New Releases I'm Looking Forward To," but here's the thing: I don't usually keep up with new releases. Sure, I grabbed them from time to time, but it's usually because someone else recommends. I don't sit and wait for the new releases. Instead of the real topic, I'm sharing my Winter TBR list. The topic seems to have been left off the list for this season. These books are all those that I need to read by the end of the year to knock out some reading challenges.
2012 Still Need to Reads
1. The Magician King by Lev Grossman
2. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (about halfway through)
3. Mythology by Edith Hamilton (currently reading)
4. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
5. The Firemaster's Mistress by Dickason
6. Arthurian Romances by Chretien de Troyes
7. Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky
8. The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees
2013 First Up Reads
9. The Kingdom of Ohio by Matthew Flaming
10. Rest of Neil Gaiman's Sandman series
Fall TBR Recap -- How I did based off of previous TTT post. Pretty close to reading them all! (20/27)
- As the World Dies trilogy by Rhiannon Frater
- Feed by Mira Grant
- Deadline by Mira Grant
- The Kingdom of Ohio by Matthew Flaming
- The Maiden's Hand by Susan Wiggs
- At the Queen's Summons by Susan Wiggs
- P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern
- A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
- Mythology by Edith Hamilton
- The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison
- The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
- The Girl from Junchow by Kate Furnivall
- The Jewel of St. Petersburg by Kate Furnivall
- The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees
- As You Like It
- King Lear
- Pericles
- Cymbeline
- Othello
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep? by Philip K. Dick
- Snow Crash By Neal Stephenson
- Outlander series
- HP 7
- A Wrinkle in Time by L'Engle
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
- Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Arthurian Romances by Chretien de Troyes