Check out Part 1 here. Part 2: The Office aka the most dreaded room in the house.
Does anyone else have this problem? The Office becomes the catch all room. Things go in and never again see the light of day. Things start out as very organized and then just magically become a crazy mess. We have this problem. At one point after moving in, this room was beautifully organized. And then it seems that life created chaos.
My main goals:
- Restack/organize boxes in the closet
- Reorganize the crafting supplies
- Reduce the crafting supplies (make stuff/give away stuff)
- Reduce my curriculum boxes/crap
- Pick up/put away the random crap lying around
- Encourage J to take care of his random crap (left side of the room)
I tackled the curriculum boxes first. In reality, I was trying to find my flash drive that held all my school files. I thought it was in the curriculum/teaching supply boxes. But after digging through all five boxes, it didn't appear. I'm a little concerned that it has completely disappeared. But I am happy that I made a mess. It gave me an opportunity to reduce the crap and reorganize the leftover. I managed to get rid of an entire box! I also repacked the leftover curriculum so that it makes sense (US History together, government together, etc). In the process I pulled resources for my tutoring student. Overall I feel a lot better about the leftovers. I tried to condense things into the must haves.
I restacked the boxes (books and curriculum) in the closet. They need to be reduced, but that requires reading and then getting rid of the books. I am determined to reduce the boxes by half by June 2013 (without adding to the boxes, of course). I need to focus on reading from my own books instead of going to the library or book store. I have a plan. Now I need to follow through. Until then, the boxes were restacked, but as you can see they are leaning a bit. I also would love to get J to go through his four book boxes and reduce. That is a task for when he's not busy, which will probably be 50 years from now...
On to the crafting supplies. I had a couple of interesting projects this week. After finishing those, I took the opportunity to reorganize my supplies into an easier to grab order. I got everyone separated into easier to grab sections. I also organized my 8.5 x 11" paper into color spectrum. Hopefully this makes it easier to find. Finally I crafted a ton this week so I was able to reduce my overall supply piles.
J is so busy that he doesn't have time to do any housekeeping. Since he won't really be dealing with the crap any time soon, I think I will just shove his crap to the area around the desk.
Total reduction: One box. Two trash bags. Stack of completed craft projects for Christmas/birthday/holiday gifts. Easily found supplies/books/curriculum.
Coming soon: Part 3 (kitchen/living room/closets)