Listening To: I'm finally into the L's. Still rediscovering some great music. My current new (again) favorite is KT Tunstall. I especially love her acoustic album. Great soundtrack for crafting and reading.
Book finished:Snow Crash. Only one this week, I'm really slacking.
Reading: The Girl from Junchow by Kate Furnivall (I read the first book in the trilogy months ago. Been meaning to get to the other two...)
On the Nightstand: The Jewel of St. Petersburg by Kate Furnivall (If I get through and like Girl from Junchow); The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
MakingLists: Blog ideas and updates. I got a list of to be completed blog posts through Thanksgiving. I also am compiling a list of maintenance tasks and future post ideas.
From the kitchen: I actually cooked this week! It's been awhile. I made chicken broccoli pesto penne. It fed J and I for two meals. Plus I went to the grocery store. My plan is to make and freeze a few meals before I leave for Thanksgiving. That way I have food now and once I get back. Now I just need to go and cook this stuff...
On the Web: Checking out a few new blogs. Trying to catch up on my Google Reader. I did a huge clean out during Bloggiesta, but since then I've added a ton of new blogs. I routinely have ~600 unread posts on any given day. That's crazy, but I love reading/skimming them.
Crafting: Saturday was a crazy day for crafting. I went to a Holiday class in the morning. We made two cute cards (especially love the pumpkin!) and two gift ideas. I'm thinking of making coaster sets for Christmas or to sell in the shop.
Saturday night was meet and craft. We each brought our own projects to work on and socialize. I love these events. I get a ton done and don't feel like a shut in. I finished a few more stationary sets for the shop/gifts. The hard part is paring down my supplies to a small pile to take to the event. I choose my papers/color combos and cut the paper before going, so that freed up space. Plus, I stuck with one type of project. If I finished, then I finished. I don't need five project options for these nights. I got four out of seven sets completed.
Watching: We finished watching Reaper. I'm a bit disappointed at the ending. There really should have been a third season, but oh well... I also sped through Downton Abbey S3 (that have aired so far). OMG! I won't give away the spoilers, but I can't believe they did that! I don't like! J and I also got back into watching The West Wing S3 and Stargate Universe S1.
Wondering: How I am going to fit all this crap into my suitcase for Thanksgiving? I may have to rethink my packing.
From Nature: It's weird to be walking around in crops, sandals, and short sleeves in November. My body is loving it, but my head is all confused. I keep expecting the temperature to drop 50 degrees...
Shopping Scores: After much searching, I finally found a pair of brown high heels that are cute, cheap, and I can walk in. I happened to be in Target the other day and what did I spy? A pair of two-tone brown mary janes on clearance! And they had my size still! Sold! While, there I also grabbed a skirt and a sweater (both on clearance). I can wear the two together for a fun dressy holiday outfit. I might even take them to Thanksgiving...
Project: I wrapped up redoing my US History notes. My student is doing better in class and decided to stop the tutoring sessions. So, I don't really need to have any of this stuff out anymore. I finished the notes through Chapter 8 (Settling the West) and put everything into one curriculum box. I love that I reduced my pile! One less box to worry about.