Listening To: Lots of Mumford, Florence, and The Lumineers. Basically this has been my soundtrack for the last few weeks.
Book finished: Feed and Deadline by Mira Grant
Reading: Blackout by Mira Grant (to finish my 24 zombie books challenge!)
On the Nightstand: Fairy tale books (I really want to push these through to finish the challenge)
MakingLists: Kitchen crap... I am trying to systematically clean out our cabinets by eating everything in them (don't be scared, not at one time). As such, I am trying to not buy a ton of new food. So no grocery lists... it's killing me...
Crafting: Absolutely nothing. I have been a bit distracted by headaches and tv shows. I just didn't get around to being inspired and crafting.
Watching: Finished Life Unexpected S2. J and I finally caught up with a ton of currently airing shows. My goodness that was a ton of shows, but good things. Plus we watched a ton of movies.
Project: I started tutoring, but realized that my U.S. History folders were in shambles. First, I had to rip apart my curriculum boxes. Even then things are not where they should be. So, I've been trying to put things back together in order. I also didn't complete my process of consolidating notes into one document before everything was packed. I'm slowly working through those. I spent 3 hours at the coffeehouse on Friday. I didn't even finish Chapter 4, but I got really really close. This isn't going to be a quick project, but it really needs to be done. Especially if I keep tutoring.