Books Read and Reviewed (15 books)
- This Book is Overdue by Marilyn Johnson
- Haunts of San Jose by David Lee
- Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
- Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love
- Liberty Defined by Ron Paul
- King Lear by Shakespeare (review pending)
- The Maiden's Hand by Susan Wiggs
- At the Queen's Summons by Susan Wiggs
- The Lost Millennium by Florin Diacu
- by Andrew Rosen
- Slanted and Enchanted by Kayla Oakes
- Ten Discoveries that Rewrote History by Patrick Hunt
- On Target by Laura Rowley
- Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun by Gita May
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
1,000,000 Page Goal
Monthly Total: 4216 pages
Pages Remaining: 902,358 pages
Current Read
Persuasion by Jane Austen and a ton of zombie books!
Books Won (0)
Books I Gave Up On (0)
Challenges Completed (3)
- Fables series reading challenge -- Finally knocked this one out. I wanted to read Volume 17, but couldn't wait. Instead I read Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love, part of the spin-off series.
- Romance reading challenge -- After completing a historical romance trilogy, I finished it.
- Harry Potter -- Loved rereading these.
After a train wreck of an August, my reading got back on track. I am so excited to have read some great books (fiction and nonfiction). And I finished three! reading challenges. I knocked off so many items on my large reading challenge list.
Next Month's TBR -- it's a zombie month! At least a zombie week.
- Feed by Mira Grant
- Deadline by Mira Grant
- Blackout by Mira Grant
- Sadie Walker is Stranded by Madeleine Roux
- The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
- Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater
- Siege by Rhiannon Frater