Listening To: A ton of new music including Mumford & Sons, Ben Folds Five, The Lumineers and Needtobreathe. I keep putting those on repeat over and over again. Plus I've restarted going through our entire music collection for my 101 favorite songs. Done with the As through Cs.
Book finished: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Reading: Persuasion by Jane Austen. A quick read before my zombie week.
On the Nightstand: Zombie books for the FrightFall Readathon! (Newsflesh trllogy, As the World Dies trilogy, Sadie Walker is Stranded)
Around the house: I got into a weird cleaning kick. I dusted and vacuumed and organized. I replaced the yucky old towels with new dark gray ones. I finally hung some curtains in the bedroom. The curtains look blue in this picture, but they're a beautiful gray that works with the black, white, and red of the rest of the bedroom. Now if only we could get around to framing and hanging the pictures, it might actually look like a real bedroom.
From the kitchen: Nothing interesting. Since J is still gone until next Saturday, I am finding ways to eat meals with minimal cooking.
Crafting: So much crafting this week. I've really gotten on a roll lately. We had a 3D Christmas ornaments class on Tuesday. Check these out...
Then on Wednesday, I went to another craft meet and greet. Unfortunately we didn't have a great turnout. I did make this cute peacock inspired card. Next time, I will definitely bring stuff to work on...
And at home, I got inspired to make some Valentine/Love themed cards. I used a ton of scraps lying around.
Watching: I plowed through Gossip Girl S4 and Parenthood S2. Unfortunately I will have to wait for GG S5 until the library or Netflix gets it. Parenthood S3 is on Netflix instant queue, so that's probably up next. I grabbed some new Redbox movies (romantic movies) and have been watching some of my cheesy movies while J is away.
Wondering: Why have I not read like anything this week? I am feeling a bit ashamed of myself. I keep finding other things (movies, crafting, cleaning) to spend my time. Hopefully this is rectified with next week's readathon...
From Nature: After cooler temps (60s), we're back into the low to mid 80s. Of course, it's still sunny every day...
Shopping Scores: I sold some cds at Amazon, so I had a credit. I snatched up Mira Grant's Blackout, a moleskine journal, The Hunger Games dvd, and Iron Jawed Angels dvd (replacement for my scratched beyond use copy). I already received the journal and book, just waiting on the movies...
Project: I'm right at the tail end of Bloggiesta, trying to get a few more things checked off of my list...