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The Sunday Salon #25

The Sunday Salon.com SUPER DUPER EXCITED!   This is my 1000th blog post!  I didn't think I would get to this point when I started and now I'm here...  On to the next 1000 post!

Listening To: Previously owned cds newly added to our server.  Rediscovering lots of old music.  I forget I even owned some of these.  For whatever reasons the iTunes dj keeps pulling Linkin Park, Josh Kelley, and Green Day... Odd combo.

Book finished: Much Ado About Nothing, Richard III, The Importance of Being Earnest, Antony and Cleopatra, Twelfth Night, This Book is Overdue, Haunts of San Jose, Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love...  It was a play week obviously

Reading: Liberty Defined by Ron Paul

On the Nightstand: More Shakespeare

Making Lists: Does grocery count?  This seems to be a biweekly thing.

On the Web: I recently found The Bloggess... how did I not know about her before now?  I think we are kindred spirits.  I think I have annoyed J many times this week by bursting into giggles and guffaws.  I'm still two years behind on her archives, but good god she is hilarious.

Also the signups are ready for the FrightFall Readathon.  This year I'm going with zombies for my spooky books.  Wait, a minuted...  I do that every year.  And I love it!  Come join us!

Farmer's Market Finds: I had a horrible night trying to sleep Friday and when I finally fell asleep, I overslept Saturday morning. So no wonderful croissants for me.  Thankfully J walked across the street for donuts.  Yummy!

Crafting: I finished some Christmas gifts (yeah, super early!) and some Christmas cards.  I'll probably get back to some scrapbooking this coming week.  My goal is to be within one season of the present.  Plus, I want to make some more bookmarks for an upcoming book giveaway.  (Stayed tuned for October...)

Watching: We finished Stargate SG1...  Holy crap!  Now we only have a few seasons of Atlantis and all of Universe to watch.  I can see the end coming.  Plus we've caught up on a ton of currently airing shows.

Wondering: How much Shakespeare can I read in a row?  Holy crap, I've moved through a ton lately.  Only five more plays to go.

Project: My parents recently bought a flower shop.  Holy crap.  And now they need to start building the business.  I'm possibly going to be working on a blog/marketing side.  Stay tuned...