I found this wonderful meme idea on Ruby Bastille. I thought it would be a great way to share my life with my readers. This week's thankfulness... Medical emergency addition. After my medical issues last week, I have some thanks specific to those events.
1) Paramedics -- I had to travel to the hospital in an ambulance and it was one of the scariest things I've ever had to do in my life. Thankfully my two paramedics were very calming and efficient.
2) Nurses -- Every nurse that I dealt with was just awesome. They each had the right mix of efficiency and caring to keep me calm and collected for most of my stay.
3) My doctor -- While I didn't see my doctor during the ER visit, he did perform my surgical procedure last Thursday. And I must say that I love how he handled it. I've heard some horror OB stories. And I've even had some bad OBs (in the past), but my current is great.
4) Random OB nurse at outpatient procedure center --The center is very efficient and pretty straight forward, but I loved my prep nurse. She actually took the time to talk to me about how I was feeling (not just the physical) and what was going to happen. I don't remember her name, but she should be commended for her work.
5) Friends and family -- Throughout all this ordeal, I have had great support of friends and family. It's been so great to hear other stories. I'm not alone in this situation. Thank you for being there. And hopefully my next medical situation will be a happy one.