Sign up over at Roof Beam Reader.
Welcome to the sign-up post for AUSTEN IN AUGUST, a reading event taking place next month! This event was inspired by a Twitter conversation that took place with @alliedanielson and @JillIsReading. I am especially excited about it, I think, because I own almost all of Jane Austen’s books, but I have only ever read two of them (Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice). Also, considering that I will be finishing up with Allie’s Victorian Celebration at the end of July, it is fitting and appropriate to move on to the most famous of all pre-Victorians, Jane Austen!
So, for this event, the goal is to read as many of Jane Austen’s novels as you want/are able, during the month of August. Biographies and re-reads also count. I will post throughout the month (planning for Tuesdays and Fridays) on different subjects, as well as with my own reviews of the Austen books I finish. I will be offering giveaways and I am hoping that some participants will also be interested in writing guest posts or hosting giveaways of their own, to make this more interactive.
If you are going to participate, you can read any of Jane Austen’s novels, a biography about her, or any contemporary re-imaginings (such as Austenland or The Jane Austen Book Club, for example). All posts will help you qualify for prizes, which I’ll explain in a later post!
I plan on reading at least two Austen novels (probably Northanger Abbey and Persuasion) and a couple Austen-esque novels (possibly Midnight in Austenland). Plus I will be rewatching a few of the mini series/movies.