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Music Monday -- 1998

As part of my ongoing celebration for my 30th birthday, I am highlighting some popular songs from throughout my years.  Songs were picked based off of a list of Grammy award winners and Billboard Top 100.  Then, I chose my favorites to highlight.

Year: 1998

Book: Readings on Shakespeare's The Histories

Music Selections: 

  1.  The Offspring "Americana" -- I loved The Offpsring, all the old stuff.  The new stuff just doesn't have the same fun.  I think this was their last record that liked.  And I saw them in concert either 2000 or 2001.  Great times.
  2. Goo Goo Dolls "Iris" -- One of my all time favorite songs.  I've recently caught this song on Lithium multiple times.  Can't help but stop and sing along.
  3. Matchbox Twenty "3 am" -- Another high school favorite of mine.  I hear they have a new song.  Haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure it won't compete with 3 am.
  4. Savage Garden "Truly Madly Deeply" -- A gooey love song.
  5. Barenaked Ladies "One Week" -- I still can't sing the entire song, but I love it anyway.  Plus, it was on the soundtrack for 10 Things I Hate About You, which is one of my favorite high school era movies.
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