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The Sunday Salon #21

The Sunday Salon.com Listening To: Lots and lots of Alt Nation on Sirius X and Mumford and Sons (can't wait until September for their new album!)

Book finishedDog Blood; Them or Us

ReadingMythology by Edith Hamilton; The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan; Ashfall by Mike Mullin

On the Nightstand: Ashfall; Shakespeare; Jane Austen

Making Lists: Meal plans...  I've completely gotten away from doing this and need to get back

Around the house: I've been on a weird cleaning kick lately.  I vacuumed, did ton of laundry, washed many dishes, reorganized some areas.  Crazy motivation!

On the Web: All of the Chik-Fil-A crap is just too much for me.  At this point, I am really having some mixed feelings.  While I don't agree with the company's thoughts, what do we expect from a fundamentalist Christian company.  I have decided that my personal philosophy must be to not patronize companies whose political stances I disagree with.  So I won't be eating at Chik-Fil-a, but I also won't be throwing insults around.

Watching: We're up to S5 of Doctor and the boys are begging to finish the series.  I also caught up with Parks and Recreation.  I'm ready for the fall season.  And we've been watching a ton of new to me movies and The Princess Bride.

Wondering: If we'll be having a boy or a girl?

From Nature: Do I need to say it?  Absolutely perfect...

Shopping Scores: Lots of clothes.  I found some great pre and post pregnancy pieces to get me through.  Plus, I did break down and buy actual maternity pants.  I'm sure I'll be getting another pair at some point.  I didn't take any pictures, but will probably share at a later date.

Project: The boys go back to Indiana on Wednesday.  We have a few days, but need to start organizing their room and luggage pile.