Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. If you can’t come up with ten, don’t worry about it—post as many as you can!
This week's topic is to pick and an author and then recommend their books... Well my favorite author is Jane Austen and she has only six novels. So I rounded out the list with some Jane Austen-esque books. For the Austen authored books, I put them in the order I think someone should read them.
1. Northanger Abbey -- Her first novel. It's short. Catherine is a feisty young girl. It's a fun little gothic tale.
2. Pride and Prejudice -- Probably the most popular. And for a reason. Enjoy!
3. Emma -- Emma is a love her or hate her type of character. Upon multiple readings, I really like her now.
4. Sense and Sensibility -- Almost a companion to Pride and Prejudice. Elinor still bugs me sometimes.
5. Persuasion -- My favorite, but you have to get into the Austen mindset for this to be completely satisfying.
6. Mansfield Park -- Fanny Price is the least likable of Austen's heroines. But she comes alive after reading the others.
7. Austenland by Shannon Hale -- It's a great modern telling of Pride and Prejudice mixed with reality shows. I can't wait to read the sequel.
8. My Antonia by Willa Cather -- It's a decidedly American book, but something of Cather's storytelling reminds me of Austen. I loved it!
9. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery -- A beautiful love story... must read.
10. Any Georgette Heyer -- She's a successor to Austen. Written in the early 20th Century, the writing and ideas are a beautiful companion to Austen's.