Book finished: Shadow Kiss; The Lost Hero; Intentions of the Earl; The Sandman Vol. 3
Reading: The Sandman Vol. 4
On the Nightstand: The Sandman series; Persepolis; His Dark Materials trilogy
MakingLists: Things to do for the rest of the summer. Hmmm.... maybe Winchester House...
Around the house: Nothing. And it is a mess. We've been out and about all week. I haven't had the chance to clean the house, do laundry, or wash the dishes. Everything is in a bit of disarray. I really need to get back into a routine.
From the kitchen: Nothing new made. Although I did download Paprika on the iPad. I'm slowly pulling down some interesting looking recipes to try.
Crafting: Had a fun class of fast and fabulous cards. The last one pictured is actually a card that my new demonstrator made for me as a little thank you note.
Watching: Stargate, Parks and Rec, and Doctor Who. Love them!
Wondering: When this 3+ day headache will go away? I'm really getting tired of it...
From Nature: Beautiful 60s-70s weather. Back in my previous city and in my home city, it's been hovering around 100 degrees all week. Crazy weather! And then Wednesday and Thursday, my home city experienced some nasty storms complete with tornado high winds. Scary stuff! Thankfully everyone is okay.
Shopping Scores: My Stampin' Up order came in. Look at the pretty new colors (pads and card stock).
On our San Francisco adventure day, I picked up a pretty new Alcatraz print and a metal cable car.
Project: Enjoying the crazy week of outings. Now I need to starting planning next week and the week after that. J is off until Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to get out and about.