Listening To: Into the Js, but now we have a problem. The music was taking up too much of my hard drive. So J pushed it onto the server to free up space. I can access it from the server anytime. Unfortunately that means that my plan to go through my music a to z is going to be much harder mixed in with all of J's music.
Book finished: Mayflower; Frostbite; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Reading: Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead
On the Nightstand: Rest of the Vampire Academy series; Persepolis; HP 7; Mythology
MakingLists: Grocery lists (big surprise!) and possible freezer meals.
From the kitchen: The boys tried thai food. Not a big hit, but we'll try something else next (maybe Japanese). With the boys here eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, we are going through a ton of food. I really hate cooking. Thank goodness the freezer meals method works great. Speaking of, I need to have another cooking day.
On the Web: There's been a huge amount of contest blog hops and I've entered them all! Plus, I've found some other great bloggers to follow.
Crafting: Attended a great "step it up" class. We made two different cards and then stepped up each card with some extra bling. I signed up for another class next week. Very excited!
Watching: I finished Chuck and I wasn't impressed. I feel like the series could have ended with the season 4 finale. J also started me on Parks and Recreation. The first season was a bit rough, but it got a whole lot better in the second season. Ron and April are definitely my favorite characters.
Wondering: How did I miss sunscreening two little spots on my chest? I now have a ridiculous tan line and mild sunburn.
From Nature: It's been a bit cool here lately. Very sunny but still great. Thankfully the pool is always heated. Very refreshing, but getting out the pool is a bit chilly.
Shopping Scores: I put in my first Stampin' Up order in California. I can't wait to try out some of the new colors.
Project: I'm going through all of my cds. Finally we have gotten around to them. I'm only about 1/6th through it.