Listening To: More iTunes. I'm currently up to the Es. This is going to take awhile. But on a good note, I am rediscovering some great music that I already own.
Book finished: Something Borrowed, Wonderland, Kick-Ass, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
On the Nightstand: Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein; The Sandman GN series by Neil Gaiman; Sirena by Donna Jo Napoli; Beauty by Robin McKinley; Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
MakingLists: The ever growing house needs list. It just never seems to go away. We got cord covers for the cables hanging all over the theater, but can't reach the ceiling. So we had to order a ladder because one wouldn't fit in our car. Argh!
Around the house: More things are getting put away. Now we're down to the nitty gritty and wall decorations. We really need to decide what goes on the walls, what doesn't, and what needs to be framed. At the last place, I lived there for almost a year and nothing was ever put on the walls. Sad... I really want this place to be different.
From the kitchen: Eating freezer meals as J spends most dinners at the office. It is saving us food money, but I can't stand cooking and eating alone. I did try a new recipe this week: chocolate avocado muffins. I got the recipe off of a blog I follow and they were disastrous. I have no idea what I did wrong, but they were inedible. tasted just like flour. Gross! J got really excited that I was going to make them. He came home and the first words out of my mouth were "don't eat the muffins!" Oh well. Better luck next time.
On the Web: Continue to follow the blogger plagiarism scandal. I am just disgusted by how the plagiarizer has handled the whole affair. Just disgusted!
Farmer's Market Finds: None this week. We slept in and did some house stuff. With J eating at the office, I don't really need any extra food in the house this week. And we won't be going next week as it is closed to make way for the Sunnyvale Food and Wine Festival. It will combine my two favorite categories: food and wine. Really looking forward to it!
Crafting: I'm still getting everything organized. But I did manage to scrap about 16 pages for the boys' books. Now they're up to January 2011. Getting there... Next week, I am going to a Stampin' Up catalog launch party Friday. Very excited to see the new stuff and meet some area scrappers.
Watching: We've caught up on most of the episodes that we missed. So, one to new seasons, new stuff, and some old stuff, but never seen, for me. Episodes series two started. I love me some Stephen Mangan. I finished Chuck season four and started season five (the last season). We moved through Stargate SG1 season five. Goodness that got crazy at the end... On to season six. J also introduced me to the musical and comedy stylings of Tim Minchin and Bo Burnham. I am so in love! And I managed to convince J that I needed to rewatch Casino Royale so we could finish the James Bond Month(s).
Wondering: When our bookcases will arrive? Had to order off of Amazon as they wouldn't fit in the car. Once they get here, we can finish the boys' room and take care of most of the disaster that is the office.
From Nature: Cooler breezy temps (60s - low 70s). Thank goodness the pool is heated year round.
Shopping Scores: Ordering pictures through iPhoto is friggin' awesome! I finally got around sorting through the pictures on the computer to figure out what I needed to print for scrapbooking. I ordered on Tuesday, they came on Friday. The turn around was amazing. Now I am closer to scrapping time.
Project: Putting the office together. I only took pics of my half of the office. J's half is just a disaster zone of epic proportions. Believe it or not, but my half is looking very neat and organized. And I really need a chair. That conference chair nonsense just won't cut it very longer.