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My Years Reflection 1992

It's my 30th birthday year.  As part of my celebrations, I thought I would take my birthday month to reflect on my life.  To help, I am using some of my scrapbooked pages to illustrate my life.  For each year, I've chosen a few pages to highlight that year.  I hope you enjoy my look back as much as I do.

1992: 10 Years Old!  Finally I did double digits.  This was a big year for me.  I started branching out of my little family life and into the big world.

Page 1: In the summer, I attended my first sleep-away camp: Camp Potawotamie.  It wasn't the best experience in my life, but I mostly enjoyed my stay there.  I took gymnastics, arts and crafts, and archery.  I stayed in the Shawnee cabin with four other girls and high school aged counselor.  I braved the leech filled lake and dirty communal bathrooms.  I enjoyed the bug juice at breakfast each morning.  I even lived through two tornado scares that damaged buildings in the town closest to camp.  It was an interesting week.

Page 2:  Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.  Throughout elementary school, my family would host a big weenie roast the night of.  One of the adults (usually my dad) would take the kids around the neighborhood.  Then we would all come back for hot cider, hot dogs, and candy.  For this year, my great grandma made me an awesome poodle skirt that I accessorized with a pink cat sweatshirp, saddle shoes, and a pink ribbon.Loved it!

Page 3: Somehow I never mentioned that I have a half-brother and half-sister.  I found these pics of these and love how they coordinate with the paper and embellishements.  Cole and Mallory are 5 and 8 years younger than me.  I don't see much of them as I live 10 hours away, but we get together when I'm in town.