Listening To: Florence + the Machine's new album Ceremonials. I'm especially loving the haunting "What the Water Gave Me." She makes such mood music. I love it!
Book finished:Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
Making Lists: Adding to my never ending TBR list. I might just have an addiction to reading...
Around the house: I finally got around to putting away the box of Christmas decorations. Unfortunately,the Christmas tree is still up. To be fair it just really doesn't look like a Christmas tree. It will probably be left up for another few months yet.
From the kitchen: We've started using the freezer meals. Unfortunately we had a bit of a mishap with the honey pork chops. The recipe said to defrost and then bake for 1:15 hours at 350 degrees. This turned them into burnt hockey pucks. So next time, not so long...
On the Web: Not much news... There was a great announcement about Mountain Lion. Finally, Apple is getting around to integrating all the messaging services into one iMessage. Looking forward to this.
Crafting: My Stampin' Up order included a paper trimmer. I absolutely love using it. So much better than scissors. Yesterday, I continued working in the Disney vacation scrapbook. I'm over two-thirds through mine... making progress. I also managed to reorganize a bit of my crafting stash. Now it's less of an explosion of supplies than a couple of untidy stacks of supplies.
Work Observations: My boss returned from maternity leave and things are slowly getting back to normal. However, that also means that I don't have a huge amount of projects to complete at the moment. Kinda bored until we decide the next big project.
Watching: More Stargate SG-1. We got through season 2 and on to season 3. My one big comment: What the hell happened to Daniel's hair? Argh! I finally started watching Downton Abbey and am officially hooked. Love it! And I caught back up with The Vampire Diaries. Unfortunately it doesn't come back until March.
Wondering: How we managed to eat a hubcap (yes a hubcap) of sushi the other night and not die of overeating? So good... but good gracious that was a lot of food.
From Nature: All week we've had fairly moderate temperatures for February. It's been an odd winter with wild temperature fluctuations.
Shopping Scores: Randomly Half Price Books had a Booklover's Weekend with a 40% off coupon. Of course, I had to use it. Here's my scores for this week. Notice half of the House of Night series that I snapped up for $1 a piece. What a bargain!
Project: More Spring Break road trip planning. I sent inquiries to the bed and breakfast association for a reservation. They won't get back to me until Monday.