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Zombie Blondes by Brian James

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Title: Zombie Blondes

Author: Brian James

Publisher: Square Fish 2009

Genre: Zombie

Pages: 256

Rating:   3 / 5 stars

Reading Challenges: Zombie; A to Z - Z; Mount TBR

How I Got It: I own it!

From the moment Hannah Sanders arrived in town, she felt there was something wrong. A lot of houses were for sale, and the town seemed infected by an unearthly quiet. And then, on Hannah’s first day of classes, she ran into a group of cheerleaders—the most popular girls in school. The odd thing was that they were nearly identical in appearance: blonde, beautiful, and deathly pale. But Hannah wants desperately to fit in—regardless of what her friend Lukas is telling her: If she doesn’t watch her back, she’s going to be blonde and popular and dead—just like all the other zombies in this town. . . .

I'm describing this one as a Stepford Wives meets Heathers.  I enjoyed it, it had some great little parts here and there, but mostly I just wanted to smack Hannah.  If she didn't want to believe Lukas that the blondes were zombies, fine, but did she have to be so desperate for popularity.  Parts of the book just seemed fake.  And then having the book written in first person was a bit much.  I just had trouble sympathizing with Hannah until the last 15 pages.  I guess okay, but this book was definitely aimed at a younger audience than me.  It just fell a bit flat for me.

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