From Logically:
It has come to my attention recently that there are roughly eleventy billion fantasy books out there that I have not read. To combat this, I’ve decided to create a reading challenge, because I always do better when I hold myself accountable. So, who wants to join me?
The fantasy reading challenge will run from January 1st, 2012 – December 31st, 2012. Sign up begins today and lasts until February 1st, 2012.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
1. Sign up with the link below. If you don’t have a blog, you can link your Goodreadsaccount.
2. Grab the image on the left for your site.
3. Choose your level.
4. Leave a comment letting me know what level you’ve chosen.
Challenge Levels:
- Hobbit: 5 books
- Elf: 10 books
- Vampire Slayer: 15 books
- Wizard: 30 books
- Brothers Grimm: 50 books
- Dragonrider: 75 books
- Curse Breaker: 100 books
- Titan: 130+ books
More info: the books you choose can be in any sub-genre of fantasy, and can be adult, YA, or MG. Comics and graphic novels also count.
I really enjoy fantasty. Of course I was going to sign up for a fantasy reading challenge. I've chosen to go for the Elf Level of 10 books. Tentative TBR:
- Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters (2009)
- Hand of Isis -- Jo Graham (2010)
- Ill Wind -- Rachel Caine (2003)
- Heat Stroke -- Rachel Caine (2004)
- The Kingdom of Ohio -- Matthew Flaming (2010)
- Chill Factor -- Rachel Caine (2005)
- Windfall -- Rachel Caine (2005)
- Queene of Light -- Jennifer Armintrout (2009)
- Child of Darkness -- Jennifer Armintrout (2009)
- Veil of Shadows -- Jennifer Armintrout (2009)