I am at a crossroads... with this blog I mean. My blog is basically a year old. I started it sometime in November, but didn't really get the hang of it until the first of the year. I signed up for a ton of reading challenges. I jioned a few memes. I created a few regular features. And now it's time to decide where to go from here. I've already began to organiaze my TBR piles and reading challenges for next year. The basement theater is lookiong a bit ridiculous and I'm sure J is about done with my mess. But I love being organized. And usually that means making a crazy mess for a bit before everything looks all pretty again. There are so many great books sitting in the garage. I want to read them all. But I know that's a crazy goal. So I need to try and organize and scale back.
I'm also trying to figure out the overall shape of my blog. I know that I'll still do book reviews and reading challenges. But what about all those other little feature things (meal plan, music monday, top ten tuesday, etc)? I have to think about what I want to commit myself to, especially since taking on a full time job and wanting to plan things for when I have the boys (and possibly a vacation with or without the boys).
All this leads to a pondering Tobe. What to do? What to do? In some ways I love these times of decisions. And then I panic and think "Am I doing the right thing?" I guess it's all about the decisions the time. I can't get caught up in "What Ifs." So I'll ponder and make decisions. And make a big year end wrap-up post. Also, I think I'll be taking a bit of blog vacation for the second half of December. A bit of a break to energize sounds like a great idea.