Books Read and Reviewed (12 books)
- Warrior by Zoe Archer
- Fables: Homelands
- Scoundrel by Zoe Archer
- Jack of Fables: The (Nearly) Great Escape
- Rebel by Zoe Archer
- Jack of Fables: Jack of Hearts
- Stranger by Zoe Archer
- Jack of Fables: The Bad Prince
- Just a Little White Lie by Lynnette Hallberg
- The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler
- Staying at Daisy's by Jill Mansell
- The Walking Dead: Book Two
1,000,000 Page Goal
Monthly Total: 3490 pages
Pages Remaining: 955,245 pages
Current Read
Soulless by Gail Carriger -- Loving it so far!
Challenges Completed (1.5)
A movie challenge completed... Well almost. We tried to watch one movie for every letter of the alphabet from our collection. We have a few letters left. Specifically Q, V, W, X, Y, and Z. We have at least two movies for each of those letters, but we ran out of days. I figured we wouldn't watch one movie a night. The new fall seasons started two weeks ago. Plus some nights we spent time talking or reading or blogging. Therefore we are a bit behind. But we have recommitted to finish out those letters in the next two weeks.
And the Summer Romance Challenge! I committed myself to reading 24 books for the challenge (8 historical romance, 8 contemporary romance, and 8 paranormal romance). At the start of September, I was a bit scared. I still had 7 books to read and four of those were from contemporary romance. Thankfully I found some good books and finished the challenge out.
A new life challenge started. The Day Zero Project: 101 things in 1001 days. I am really excited to make some tangible goals for myself for the next 2.75 years. I've already made some good progress. I hit a snag this past week, but I know have a better laid out plan.
I am a bit disappointed with my reading this week. The total is lower than I would like, but I have a good excuse: I got a job! I'm so excited to start a new job, and not just because that means an influx of money. It's a small, but integral position at a great social service organization focused on kids. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful. I've eased into the organization and atmosphere easily. I'm even out of the training portion of the job and have claimed my area and responsibilities. It feels great.
Hopefully next month I'll be able to up my reading back to its usual numbers. Plus I have two reading challenges coming up: Fall Frightful Reading Challenge and the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon (first attempt!). Looking forward to it!