Chinese Night
-- Chicken Stir Fry
-- Eggrolls
-- Crab Rangoon
-- Out to grab some Noodles & Co.
I wasn't feeling good at all, so no cooking for me. It's hard enough to make myself cook when I feel good. When I'm icky, it's just not going to happen. So pasta cheered me up (mostly because I didn't have to cook it!)
-- BBQ Chicken on the grill
-- Mashed Potatoes
-- Corn
-- Rolls
We had to get in a few more grill nights before it gets way too cold.
-- Eat out
It was my monthly Stampin' Up meeting. Afterwards, J drove down to meet me in Bellevue for dinner. We had some yummy Chinese at one of his old restaurant when he was on base. Yum Yum!
-- Eat out
J had his meeting, so we went out to get something after the meeting. Yummy spinach artichoke calzone, cheesecake, and good beer from Old Chicago.
-- Leftover night
-- Roast with potatoes, onions, and green beans in crock pot
Classic dinner. Love it!
Week summary/comments:
An odd week. Not much actual cooking being done. Instead, we ate out a lot and cleaned ou the fridge. We should be getting back to cooking this upcoming week.