Title: Layer Cake
Year Released/Rating: 2004 R
Starring: Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, George Harris, Michael Gambon
Directed By: Matthew Vaughn
Written By: J.J. Connolly
Star Rating: 5 /5 stars
Trivia: In the penultimate scene at the Stokes country club, XXXX and his fellow drug dealers are eating a layer cake.
We have a ton of good movies for L, it was just a problem of narrowing them down to one. J mentioned Layer Cake and I jumped on it. I haven't seen the movie since it came out on dvd. I liked it (It has Daniel Craig for goodness sakes!) and thought it would be a great British movie to watch. Concidentally I picked up the book the movie was based on from the clearance rack at a local used book store. Unfortunately it's still packed in one of the many book boxes in the garage. So, I'll have to wait to read it. The movie will just have to do for now...
To the movie... I love smart British movies. I loved the dialogue, the set-ups, the action sequences. They aren't all reliant on big explosions or even cussing. It's more about the art of the conversation. I just love that! And I forgot how many people were in this movie. Tons of British actors that I see all the time. Because you know, J and I have an obsession with British movies and tv. This movie really grabs your attention from start to finish. I love it!
Best Bits:
XXXX: My name? If you knew that, you'd be as clever as me.
Eddie Temple: England. Typical. Even drug dealers don't work weekends.
Morty: Why did you keep the gun?
Gene: I know it sounds silly now, but it was my favorite.
Morty: You better not let the other guns know you have a favorite.
XXXX: I'm not a gangster. I'm a businessman whose commodity happens to be cocaine.
XXXX: Everyone wants to walk through a door marked "private." Therefore, have a good reason to be affluent.
XXXX: A Roman general once said, "If you want peace, plan for war."