Title: Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard
Year Released/Rating: 2007 PG-13
Starring: Bruce Willis, Justine Long, Timothy Olyphant, Maggie Q, Kevin Smith
Directed By: Len Wiseman
Written By: Mark Bomback, David Marconi, John Carlin, Roderick Thorp
Star Rating: 4 /5 stars
Trivia: When introduced to an agent Johnson, McClane says: "Johnson, again?", a nod to the two agents Johnson in Die Hard, despite the fact that McClane and the two agents Johnson never spoke or met face to face.
J's choice tonight. I was learning towards Dogma or Dark City. He suggested Dave or Die Hard. So we went with Die Hard. It's been awhile since I've seen this installment. Probably since it came out... I'm almost always up for some good action film and this hit the spot. I especially love Timothy Olyphant. He always play the creepy bad guy, but also the suave, could possibly be charming, bad guy. Amazing! And the stunts are fantastic. The entire sequence in the refrigeration thing (towards the end) is just impossible. And that guy, Rand, does almost all his stunts without wires. That's just crazy!
Best Bits:
Matt Farrell: You just killed a helicopter with a car! John McClane: I was out of bullets.
Matt Farrell:[to Lucy] Wow, I know that tone. It's just weird hearing it come from someone... with hair.
John McLane [covering the webcam] You think you can, uh, find a track where he is?
Thomas Gabriel: Detective, covering the camera with your hand does not turn off the microphone.
[after the presidential montage]
Casper:That was creepy.
Trey: I tried to find more Nixon.
Thomas Gabriel: McClane? I thought I killed you already.
John McClane: I get that sometimes.
John McClane: I know I'm not as smart as you guys with all this computer shit. But, hey... I'm still alive, ain't I? I mean, you've *got* to be running out of bad guys by now, right? Huh? Gabriel? Honestly, you can tell me. I mean, how does that work? Got some kind of service or something? Some kind of 800 number? 1-800-HENCHMEN? Oh, you know what? I bet you're still on hold with, "Can I get another dead Asian hooker bitch over here right away?"
[from the unrated version]
Matt Farrell: You just killed a helicopter with a car!
John McClane: Hundreds of thousands of people get killed by cars every year. That's just like four more.
[after Lucy struggles and shoots Emerson in the foot]
Thomas Gabriel: Jesus Christ. You got her? [Emerson nods]
Thomas Gabriel: You're sure? It's a nice effort, though.