Title: Bridget Jones's Diary
Year Released/Rating: 2001 R
Starring: Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent
Directed By: Sharon Maguire
Written By: Helen Fielding, Andrew Davies, and Richard Curis
Star Rating: 4 /5 stars
Trivia: Salman Rushdie's cameo came about by total fluke. Old friend (the movie's author) Helen Fielding called him up and asked, "How would you like to make a fool of yourself?"
J had a migraine and I spent all day scrapping across town. So, he spent some quiet, dark time in bed and I picked a movie all by myself. After starting to read and failing to read so many BJD copies, I thought I would rewatch the movie. All of my original ideas stood the test of time and rewatching. Hugh Grant plays the most magnificent twat. Renee Zellweger is still one of my least favorite actresses. But that's okay because I adore everything that Colin Firth does. Yes, the movie is a redone Pride and Prejudice, but that story is so great that I can forgive it. I can even forgive Bridget's self-depreciating behaviors. We all go through that phase at some point. Thank god Mark Darcy is a rational steadfast man. Plus, I get a kick out of the Tarts and Vicars party every time.
Best Bits:
Bridget: This is an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers.
Bridget: Thank you, Daniel, that is very good to know. But if staying here means working within 10 yards of you, frankly, I'd rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein's arse.
Mark Darcy: I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet, I was unforgivably rude, and wearing a reindeer jumper.
Bridget: It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.
Mark Darcy: Natasha, this is Bridget Jones. Bridget, this is Natasha. Bridget works in a publishing house and she used to play around naked in my paddling pool.
Mark Darcy: All right Cleaver, outside. Daniel Cleaver: [half laughing] I'm sorry? Outside? Should I bring my dueling pistols or my sword?