This week the topic was "Underrated Books" but I was having trouble thinking of good ones. So I change to my own Top Ten Tuesday topic: Top Ten Addicted TV Shows. So J has this amazing thing called an Apple TV that I don't think I could live without after now. We have tons of TV shows at our finger tips. He's been introducing me to some new TV shows that I have to watch and catching me up on some others that I already love.
1. True Blood -- My soap opera with vampires. This is one of the very few tv shows where I think the show is better than the books. Bravo HBO! And please more shirtless Eric is the right way to go.
2. Game of Thrones -- I wanted to watch when t aired, but couldn't with normal cable. J's friend has been bugging him to watch for like forever. So finally we watched. And wow! Reminded me of Rome (which I absolutely died over). And the cliffhanger season ender was just too much!
3. Leverage -- Great intriguing show. We can usually call the whodunit before the reveal. But still the show is set-up so nicely that it's still fun.
4. Psych -- Hilarious!!!!!! You have to watch. All the pop culture references are fun to pick out. J and I quote this show often. (Yes, we are that geeky.)
5. Warehouse 13 -- Must have fun scifi show. The crossover episodes with Eureka are great fun.
6. Eureka -- Another scifi show. The quirkiness is fun. Currently guest starring Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton from the awesome web series The Guild.
7. The League -- I didn't think I would like a show about fantasy football, but that's only one small part to this show. It is gut busting funny. I laugh out loud through the whole show. A must see.
8. Doctor Who -- Cannot wait until August 27th when the new series starts up. Matt Smith's doctor is really growing on me. Not as good as Tenant, but getting close. And Amy and Rory are just great. And that River Song... awesome character.
9. White Collar -- A new favorite that J introduced me to a few weeks ago. I'm currently back in the first season watching a few episodes here and there to catch up. Intriguing premise.
10. Bored to Death -- Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson, and Zach Galifianakis.... genius team.
11. Torchwood -- Related to #8. Watched since it spun off of Doctor Who a couple of years ago. I just love Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper is kick ass awesome. Was concerned about the move to the states, but the plot line this season is intriguing enough that it hasn't diminished in quality.