Quote Wednesday - Doyle
"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I've been thinking a lot about talents lately. It's probably all the job interviews I've been going on. The interviewer always ask: What are your strengths and weaknesses? What can you bring to our company? And what do I say? These are such hard questions if you are going to answer truthfully.
I could say... I have a bubbly personality. I'm open to challenges. I love dealing with people. I like creative projects.
I could say all that, but I would be slightly fibbing. I'm not always bubbly. Some days I don't want to be perky. But I can fake it if I like the position/job I have. Sometimes I like easy work. I admit it. I don't want to be challenged every second of every day. People sometimes annoy me, but it takes a lot to throw me off track. My creativity ebbs and flows. Some days I don't have any ideas. I tend to go in spurts. (Case in point: my original fiction pieces on this blog. I committed myself to creative writing, but haven't been inspired this month.)
So what are my talents? I think I am good at adapting. If I love a job, I put in 110%. I can deal with difficult people without letting them get to me. I am a good secretary. I document well. I can fix problems.
So where does all that lead career wise? I was a teacher, but state licensing might be my stumbling block. I was thinking law school, but can I network and schmooze enough to get through it? I just don't know.
I need to think more about this talent thing. I need to figure out what talent is my strongest and pursue something that uses that talent. Such a long complicated process.