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Once Upon a Read-a-Thon -- Mini Challenge #3

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

From YA Bliss: I am hosting a mini-challenge for this awesome read-a-thon. So, for this one you will have to post on your blogs (I will accept posts on twitter if you dont have blog, just include @YABliss in your tweet!) your top 3 LOVE TRIANGLES

In my opinion, a well done love triangle should be one where the choice is not clear, where you can't help but being torn yourself between both characters and you are uncertain as to which will end up being 'the one'. So if you were, lets say Team Mr. Obvious from book 1, and he ended up getting the girl and you were stoked about it because you hated Mr. Wrong all along, that is NOT a good love-triangle. That is merely A love-triangle. Got it? Tough decisions...  I had a heck of time thinking up some good love triangles. Oh sure, I thought of love triangles, but many times it really is obvious who should be with whom...  So I finally came up with these (caution: Spoilers!)

  • Mary and Henry and Travis from The Forest of Hands and Teeth -- I was really torn on this one.  Mary loves Travis.  He seems to love Cassandra.  Henry loves Mary.  Mary loves Henry (but more of a best friend way).  However, Henry would have been really good for Mary.  Such a hard choice.  Ultimately I was okay with Mary choosing Travis even for the short time they had.
  • Sookie and Bill and Eric and Alcide from Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris --  (I never liked Quinn, so I'm not including him) Each one of these men offers something unique for Sookie.  If I had to choose, I'd pick Alcide, but only because he's the closest to human.  Bill is a pansy.  And Eric is way too unpredictable.
  • Rachel and Darcy and Dex from Something Borrowed -- As much as I wanted to hate Darcy, I couldn't.  She's entitled to a chance at love also.  And Rachel could be just so whiny.  But it was a well done triangle.