Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists
Great topic today... So many choices, but I think I've narrowed it down to 10 good ones.
1. Jane Austen -- Duh! How could my list be complete without the wonderful Ms. Austen? I must meet. I would love talking to her about her feelings about society and relationships and England and politics. So much history. So much interesting opinions. She would be the ultimate author meet and greet.
2. Anne Rice -- My favorite author from my high school days. I read the entire Vampire Chronicles series. I reviled in her world. I want to go to New Orleans and map out the books. I loved Anne Rice. I still hold a small place in my heart for her books.
3. Thomas Jefferson -- Strange choice? Not if you're a U.S. history teacher. I love teaching about the founding of our country. I love documenting the struggles between Jefferson and John Adams and Alexander Hamilton and George Washington and Aaron Burr and all the others. I would love to ask Jefferson all about his writing of the Declaration of Independence and his thoughts on the Constitution.
4. Diana Gabaldon -- The Outlander series is just amazing. I'm planning on reading the entire series in the coming month. It would be lovely to meet her and talk about her research into Scotland to make the books. Yep history nerd emerges!
5. David Moody -- The Autumn series is just so disturbing, in a good zombie way. I would love to pick his brain as to the inspirations and process. How does someone go about writing a serious modern zombie novel?
6. Neil Gaiman -- He's just an amazing storyteller, who wouldn't want to meet him? I sure would like to.
7. Carrie Ryan -- I really got into her zombie series. I read most of her blog, documenting her writing process, triumphs, and struggles. I would love to talk to her about all of it. Reading someone's blog isn't quite the same as having a conversation with them.
8. Edgar Allen Poe -- The father of American horror. He scared and intrigued me as a child. He's just demented enough that he would be interesting to talk to.
9. Katie MacAlister -- Her modern paranormal and contemporary romances are so much fun. I would love to hear about her influences and writing process.
10. Bill Willingham -- Because the Fables series is just so amazing...