Wading Through...

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Austen Heroine

This is usually the day that I participate in the Top Ten Tuesday, but I just wasn't a huge fan of the topic (Rebels in Literature).  So instead, I thought I would share the results of this fun little quiz I took.  Most people know that I am I huge Jane Austen fan.  I had to take the "Which Austen Heroine are You?"  quiz.  Going into it, I thought my results would either be Anne Elliot (from Persuasion), Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensability) or Fanny Price (Mansfield Park).  And look at that, I'm Fanny Price! You Are...Fanny Price!

You are Fanny Price of Mansfield Park! You are quiet, faithful, and moral, but those around you may think you priggish. You love deeply...and jealously.

I am Fanny Price!

Take the Quiz here!