Dr. Seuss is remembered for the murder of Dick and Jane, which was a mercy killing of the highest order. -- Anna Quindlen
It seems like my Quote Wednesday posts have been really serious as of late. I thought I needed a lighter subject, so I turn to this quote from Anna Quindlen. Even though I put Dick and Jane on my favorite children's book Top 10, it was mostly because those books were so memorable at a young age. It definitely doesn't mean that I think they are amazing books. Dr. Seuss is far superior.
And now on to the exciting news....
I finished another reading challenge!!! As of today, I finished my Young Adult Challenge!!!! I read 12 books from the young adult character that I didn't count in the other genre specific challenges. 12 doesn't seem like a lot, but I haven't read a lot of YA in past years. When I was a YA, it seemed like the only options where Sounder and Goosbumps and Sweet Valley High. Crap in my opinion. Thankfully the genre has really expanded and improved in the past few years. I read some great YA fiction and plan to keep the genre on the radar for future reads. So yeah!! One more challenge done, how many to go? Oh yeah A lot. But I'll get through it. I'm past the halfway point (at least I'm telling myself that).
And the super duper amazing exciting news....
I have been cleared to move. I am picking up the truck next Tuesday, packing it on Wednesday, and driving out to Nebraska on Thursday!! The boys will be flying out on Saturday, giving us a few days to get things settled. I'm so excitd that this is finally happening. It's been almost a year in the maling. There were times that I thought it would never happen, but now I'm letting my hopes get up.
Pretty soon I'll be blogging from another state, but I don't think anything will be changing on here. I'll still be doing my weekly posts (sorry about Monday, things were way too hectic to focus on a Music Monday post) and my book reviews and my random writing and my little posts about life.