This week the topic was supposed to be "Top Ten AWWWW Moments in Books." I couldn't think of many (I'm sure I will eventually) so I thought I would do a Top Ten related to what we're doing this week. So I give you Top 10 Things I am Looking Forward to at Disney World! I used to go all the time as a child, but haven't been there in at least 15 years. I think I am looking forward to this trip even more than my boys. 1. The Haunted Mansion -- My absolute all-time favorite ride at Disney World. I love this one! It's not the "scary" ride but more of a fun house ride. You get to ride in Doombuggies, see a room grow, and have an unexpected addition to your party. I have fond memories of going on this ride as a child. Can't wait to experience it as an adult. One year one of the CMs scared the crap out of my mom in the growing room. She screamed and jumped at least three feet. It was priceless!

2. Pirates of the Caribbean -- Close second on my all time favorite rides. Even with the introduction of Jack Sparrow, I am sure I will still love this ride. It's so cheesy, it's great.

3. Animal Kingdom -- Never been there. This park was built after I had moved back to Indiana. I've heard mixed reviews of the park, but I really want to say I got to see it at least once. We picked this park over EPCOT for the boys' first time. I adore EPCOT, but think it would be a bit much for the boys. Maybe next year.

4. Princess autographs -- In preperation for the trip, I made the boys their own autograph books. Premade ones are so expensive and I was planning on ripping out the autographs to scrapbook anyway. So I made temporary ones out of note cards and book binder rings. And I even made one for myself. I want autogpahs of the princesses. Yeah, that's right, I am a girly-girl underneath all this "looks like I don't care-ness." I especially want ot meet Sleeping Beauty and Alice -- my favorites!

5. Press coins -- One of the Disney blogs mentioned pressed coins as a cheap souvenir. I love the idea! I went the bank and got the boys each a roll of quarters. I still have to clean some pennies, but we have a ton laying around the house. I even want to collect some of these. Pressed coins and postcards -- those will be my souvenirs.
6. Hotel -- We're staying the Dolphin, one of the older Disney resorts. Okay, techincally it isn't owned by Disney anymore, but is still considered to be one of the Disney resorts. We get some of the perks of being at a Disney resort, but not others. Still, looking forward to a new hotel. And I know the boys are looking forward to the pool!

7. Tom Sawyer Island -- In all my years of going to Disney World, we never once went onto Tom Sawyer's Island. I really want to go!

8. Disney food -- Really looking forward to some park food. It may not be the healthiest, but boy does it taste good!
9. Disney ice cream bars -- Classic Disney treat. I always got one of these as a child. Really can't wait to have one with the boys. I'm sure N will love them!
10. Carousel of Progress -- Cheesy, but always one of my favorite rides. Looking forward to seeing it with adult eyes. I know it won't have the mystery that it held during my youth, but it is such a unique ride.
One more day and we're off! So excited about this vacation. What are your favorites things about Disney World?