Author Note: I had some great pics of these places all ready to upload into my computer, but silly me, I have misplaced my camera cord. So, you'll just have to use your imagination today. This week's topic is: Books I Lied About. I tried, I really tried to think of something, but I guess I just don't really lie about books. I could only think of one: The Odyssey. Yes, I have never read it, but I lied about reading it at least 3 times while in high school and college. I even wrote an A paper about the relationship between Odysseus and Telemachus without ever reading the book. The story of The Odyssey is so well known that at this point, I don't feel like I have to read it. So there it is, my dirty little reading secret.
Since I couldn't think of 10 lies, I thought I would do another one of my personal Top Ten lists. This week's topic: Favorite Places to Read!
1. My car: it may not be my favorite, but I certainly do a lot of reading in here. Usually I have about 20 minutes between finished volunteering at my children's school and them getting out of school. So I read in the car line. I also read it I am early to picking them up from their dad's. Or I read waiting for friends to show up somewhere. I spend a lot of time in the car.
2. Firefly Coffeehouse: My favorite coffeehouse. My second home. Preferrably the back corner.
3. My bedroom: I read a lot before bed, so obvious choice.
4. The 4 Seasons room in my house: This recliner is my go to place for reading during the day.
5. The deck: In the backyard. Comfy chairs under the umbrella on a nice day. Perfect!
6. Lyon's Park: The boys love this park, so I end up reading a lot sitting on the bench while the boys play.
7. The dining room table: I know, kind of weird. But when the boys are doing homework, I usually sit here and read. That way I am available for questions, but am not forced to just stare into space for that 30-45 minutes.
8. Dream place #1: Florida beach! Just gorgeous... love it.
9. Dream place #2: Villa on the coast of Greece. One of my dream vacation spots.
10. My future favorite place to read: my reading chair! Isn't it purty? Unfortunately, it's in Omaha and I'm still in Fort Wayne. Soon chair soon!