This past Saturday, I went out with a few friends to see a local 80s cover band. They dress in spandex, play great music, and engage in crazy antics (you can see pics of them on my birthday post). It's the perfect bar band. Among my favorite songs that they cover is Bon Jovi "You Give Love a Band Name." So, I'm going back to a classic. I absolutely love this song. It's the perfect song to sing at the top of your lungs while dancing around crazy. I've seen the band so many times that I can actually call the songs based on how they prepare to start. Scary, I know. But so much fun. Going home from the bar, I had my iPOD on shuffle (that's 3500 songs shuffling) and randoming this song actually came up. Perfect! I was going to put the lyrics, but really who doesn't know this song? Instead enjoy a video!
Live from London 1995