Wading Through...

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Out of My Blogging Mind

The past few days have been crazy.  And when I say crazy, I mean crazy!  I've caught up with some friends, had a few good dinners, cleaned and reorganized the boys' room, had a big meeting today, and gotten ready to fly to Omaha tomorrow.  All in all, I am exhausted. And my blog has suffered for it.  I've actually read two books since my last review post, but haven't gotten around to reviewing the finished.  I promised myself I would stay on top of it, but time just got away from me.  The only reason Music Monday posted was because I finished it last Friday and scheduled it to post.  Working ahead, but not enough.

I want to get back on the blogging wagon tomorrow.  I am going to try and get the reviews done and posted and get my usual Quote Wednesday up.  Of course, I will be trying to do this while traveling to Omaha and then spending some quality time with J.  We'll see how it goes.

So, Hello my blog!  I have neglected you for a few days.  I promise to be a better blogger this week.