Wading Through...

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Quote Wednesday - Lederer

In what other language could your nose run and your feet smell. -- Richard Lederer

Our daily coffeehouse work session, chat session, caffeine ingestion session, etc. has gotten even crazier.  We are starting to lose our minds.  Some of us are starting a new venture.  Some of us are dealing with spouse issues.  Some of us are dealing with legal issues.  Some of us are dealing with writer's block.  All of us are dealing with kid issues.  And all of us are dealing with sleep deprivation.  As a result of all this stuff, we've sort of lost the ability to speak.  Yesterday morning C was trying to share her thoughts on the new venture's logo, but it came out all timey-wimey.  My reply, "Don't worry, I speak C."

English, and really language in general, is funny.  Taken literally half of the things we say make no sense.  Other things are very specific to the person.  B has B logic and no I guess C has C language.  We all have our own little phrases, constructions, tones.  It makes our language more beautiful, but so much more complex.  I've been noticing the funny little intricacies all week.  Now if only I could write like many of us talk.