Wading Through...

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Quote Wednesday -- Picasso

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." -- Picasso

There's something very poetic about quote.  it makes me feel all inspired and creative; things I don't think I am.  it is true that looking at a great piece of art, or hearing a beautiful piece of music, or writing a descriptive paragraph uplifts me.  I can escape the "dust' of daily life and enter into a whole different world.  A world where things like doing laundry just don't exist.  A world where I can really stop and appreciate the beauty of everything around me.  A world where worrying has no place.  Where tears are only expectable if they are because the beauty is too much to handle.  I need to visit there every once in a while.  It's like getting a battery charged.  It helps me get through the rest of the crap that I encounter throughout the week.