In honor of Down the Line 5 last Saturday, this week's Music Monday is going to feature The Beatles. Down the Line is a local annual concert featuring local bands doing covers of classic bands. My mother and I have attended all five years. Great concert. Great local bands. This year featured music from The Cure, John Mellancamp, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and The Beatles. Not my favorite Down the Line, but a good show anyway. Back to the music... I love The Beatles. I've always loved The Beatles. I grew up listening to The Beatles. My dad loved The Beatles. I could sing their songs at a very early age. And through the years, my favorite album has changed. I went from a Hard Day's Night person to a Sgt. Pepper person and back again. Now, I'm not sure what my favorite album is. I like it all. And with the release of the movie Across the Universe, I really can't pick. I love all the music they used in the movie and the music spanned a lot of albums and eras. Instead of picking one, I'll highlight a few of my favorite songs...
1. "Hey Jude" -- (1970). I love the story behind this song. McCartney wrote this to Lennon's son Julian during his parents divorce. So beautiful. Down the Line ended with a Embassy (the theater) sing-a-long. And it definitely sounds better than the original "Hey Jules."
2. "Blackbird" -- (1968). Supposedly McCartney wrote this in response to racial tensions in the United States. Whatever the reason, it's a beautiful song.
3. "When I'm Sixty-Four" -- from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). One of my favorites from childhood. I love the lyrics. I want someone to sing this to me. So cute!
4. "I've Just Seen a Face" -- from Help! (1965). I love this song! So cute! and watching them perform the song is like heaven. Although I must say that I think I like the Across the Universe version better. The staged scene in the bowling alley is just too fun!
5. "A Day in the Life" -- from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). Such a great story. So sad, but great. I also absolutely adore the transition in the middle. Very nice!
So I guess I've grown to prefer the 1967-1968 songs. Don't mistake me, I love all their songs. Just some of them are special favorites. I hope you enjoy!