Wading Through...

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Life Between a Rock and a Hard Place

The last few months have been tough challenging usual excruciating.  I don't want to go into specifics, but let's just say it's getting harder and harder every day to put on a happy smile and face the challenges.  I've gained weight, lost sleep (insomnia is a great friend of mine), skin has broken out, and hair has fallen out.  Stress has definitely taken a toll on my body.  I have almost weekly migraines and more often tension headaches. Lately I've had many conflicting plans.  What's the right choice?  If I chose Option A, I have x consequences.  If I chose Option B, I have a whole other set of x consequences.  How do I weigh all the interests, consequences, and potentials outcomes (good and bad)?  All the advice I've received conflicts.  Some tell me Option A, some OptionB, and some other undetermined option.  I really don't know...  All I know is that right now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  And neither one are moving anytime soon.

On a slighty happy side note, last night I received a package from Amazon.  My first thought: am I buying things on Amazon and don't remember?  Nope, I haven't been shopping in my sleep. J sent me an early Valentine's Day present (at least I'm assuming, but considering he isn't all that supportive of V-Day, don't know and don't care).  It was exactly what I needed last night: chocolate.  Dark chocolate.  Dark chocolate with mint.  Dark chocolate with caramel.  Dark chocolate with raspberries.  Heaven in a heart shaped tin!