Wading Through...

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Quote Wednesday -- Allen

"Just don't take any class where you have to read Beowulf." -- Woody Allen

So I've entered 15 reading challenges for the year and may have gotten in over my head.  I am hoping that the challenges will help focus my reading.  I haven't read much contemporary fiction in the past few years.  This year will be quite a change for me.  I have science fiction, young adult, fantasy, historical fiction, zombies, contemporary romance, and others.  It's quite a mix of genres, but a lot of fiction from the last 50 years.

I have read Beowulf three times, and hated it three times.  I am a big fan of the "classics," but this one I completely agree with Woody.  Those that people refer to as the "classics" can be overrated.  You need a little life in your reading.  If not, the joy of reading dies.  I recommend putting a book done if it just doesn't speak to you.  I've done that twice this month already and expect to get at least one more book to add to the DNF list.  But that's okay.  Not all books need to be read... and Beowulf is going on that list.